Photo gallery for Kai Miyagusuku.
Kai practice his shooting inside Glay's farmhouse
Kai sharing his feelings with Riku
Kai at his father's death
Kai play baseball with the kids in Vietnam
Kai with Saya and Riku at the family graveyard
Kai offering his blood for Riku to drink
Kai hanging out with Irene
Kai pleading Saya to save Irene
Kai waiting for Saya with umbrella
Kai crying after Riku's death
Kai went chiropteran hunting with Lewis, one year after Riku's death
Kai promise Joel to keep on fighting
Kai seeing Saya after a year from Riku's death
Kai went fishing with Glay
Kai cover Moses with his shirt from the sun.
Kai went to meet Lewis's old comrade from CIA
Kai called out to Saya when she staying behind the destructing ship to hold Diva and Karl while David and the others made their escape
Kai - One year after Riku's death.
Kai asked Glay if David still drinking alcohol.
Kai, after hearing Hagi true desire of his heart
Kai wants to run the OMORO with Saya
Kai tell Saya that he wants to protect her
Kai, after seeing Diva's advertisement on TV